At some point one has to get honest and look at the facts of history, of modern events, of the polemics presented not merely for the consumption of the 'outside' world stage and for the mass consumption and promulgation of the lazy and complicit western media for their indoctrinated idiots worldwide - but also those much sharper tirades aimed at the adherents they hold as slaves to their control as well.
Israel, a tiny democratic republic fragment on the coast of a huge despotic quasi empire that has taken the riches of their resources for a privileged few while leaving their people in abject poverty and ignorance under the veil of a grand caliphate that somehow honors their version of a god that they can use to retain their utter control of their masses with.
We don't insist on their destruction of Arabs, Palestinians, Persians, Pakistanis, Islamists of any stripe or the rest of the masses arrayed against the rest of the world. If anything, we hope for their elevation into educated and aware individuals who can see past the constructs of those that oppress and enslave them by blaming their poverty on others as they themselves live well beyond any western concept of wealth and riches and certainly beyond any concept of sharing the wealth so popular with the left.
In the meanwhile, peaceful coexistence is not in their vocabulary. Rather, they insist on the destruction of the Jews and (for now at least) the subjugation of the non-believing masses under their utopian dream of a world wide Caliphate. Intellectually compromised and blinded, indoctrinated idiots in the west will miss this a lifetime while they spout platitudes and quote studies of predetermined results performed by likewise intellectually and emotionally biased charlatans that clock themselves as "academicians".
Hopefully there are enough "undereducated" or just plain intelligent and honest informed observers and students of history to stand against the tide of bovine leavings that pass for their intellectual product as they incestuously quote each other, offering their product as food rather than the end product of it's consumption that it is.
At some point an individual needs to either stand on and for - their honor, their principles and what is morally right. Of course those with none of the above will have no such constraint and travel with the herd into the slaughter shed - mooing loudly and self contentedly all the way.