I may be just a Homer Simpson as Cass Sunstein posited, but this Homer has a few observations to make. Since voter fraud is going on in many states, aided and abetted by the Obama/Holder DOJ, are the citizens of that state not being defrauded by an illegal dissolution of their vote’s value? As inconvenient as it may be shouldn't we be able to seek peaceful redress through that other inconvenience a.k.a. the Judicial branch?
If so, can we not sue for enforcement of validating a voter’s citizenship? I’d be happy to provide my bona fides such as my birth certificate and my passport and to demand that the registrars demand that of me. I don't think in this post modern world we would object to the same requirement as was common when I got my driver's permit.
I can understand that in decades past this wasn’t done due to the sketchiness of records and abuses practiced against blacks. All well & good. But we are well past thinking of the old century at this stage of the game. I’d even be willing to accept setting a birth year like 1930 as the entry point for proof of citizenship.
Let’s get back on course and ensure the validity of our elections, stop creating incentives like amnesty and control immigration to levels we know we can absorb without impoverishing the people who are already citizens.
You know, it's funny how when we’re exporting jobs we’re schooled on how it’s a global economy but when it comes to illegals coming here and taking jobs we’re being schooled how they vitalize the economy. If that were looked at as a single presentation we would conclude a global economy would not necessitate the need for illegal construction workers at the Colin Powell household since unemployed people already here with at least the same skill set would be more than happy for the work.
With a real unemployment rate of over 21% [not the published 9.8% and definitely not counting the underemployed] and an "official" black unemployment rate of almost 17% which is probably more like 39.5 or higher - isn't is curious that Obama, who enjoys overwhelming support of the black community, is selling them cheap for illegal votes?
I seem to remember something in the oath of office about, preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States. Or has that gone out of fashion lately?
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