To listen to the “Progressives” and their putative head honcho , George ‘Only Kidding I'm Not Really A Schwartz’ Soros, the great fault is that Obama has failed to properly sell their agenda. From ObamaCare to Arizona to… well… the TSA, they have a point.
I know, I know ... I never thought I would find myself in agreement with them on anything, BUT I have followed The Huffington Post as their front man suggested and find that is the chief complaint registered by the commu, I mean the Progressives. I find myself saying, they have a legitimate complaint and it requires our attention.
Obama has not done a proper job of marketing their concepts and desires under a proper veil of hyperbolic misdirection that Americans have been used to. Granted, his election run-up handlers worked the meaningless, “Change You Can Believe In” brand very effectively going into the 2008 election. The inauguration was a smashing multicultural tear fest born of the joy that we, as Americans, had come so far as to elect a BLACK POTUS. It was, on a gut level, truly AWESOME!
Then came the ruling part. Given overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress there was no longer a need to market the product. The semi-somnolent populace had repudiated the excesses of the Bush II era and wanted change. Power was secured and assured.
Then came the administration's ill considered continuation of the concept of Moral Hazzard, ‘Too Big To Fail’ and the tossing aside of the normal bankruptcy law and process and the displacement of the proper place of bond holders in favor of the unions. It didn’t matter what other lesser, unaffiliated pension plans would suffer, the United Auto Workers were secured and, more accurately, strengthened. 'Taxpayers be damned, just pay a portion of the AFL-CIO bill we owe. We are in power.', was the clear message. Off-putting on it's face but worse was to come.
Next came the ObamaCare legislation. Opposed by well over half to two-thirds (it depends on which poll you favor) of the population and utter disbelief of the promises issued by “The One” regarding the cost savings, the lack of “Death Panels”, the ability to, “keep your doctor”, and the statements of House Speaker Pelosi such as, “We have to pass the bill so that you can see what is in it.”.
Clearly a marketing failure since the outright lies, I mean presentations, were on their face; ridiculous, dismissable and clearly unsustainable. We all know, that in these 'green is all the rage screw the real science.' days, the key selling point is use of the word, “sustainable” it's the pablum for everything adding weight to the presentations for weak, if present at all, minds. Damn poor marketing job there 'O'!
The commu, I mean the Progressives, [damn, I just can't get my vocabulary up to date, can I?] are properly angered that the mid-term elections have been a strong repudiation of their aspirations. Were I them, I would be too! A poor marketing job by the arrogant,elitists! When seeking to undermine a constitutional republic and it's Constitution, it is clearly not the way to go. Silly egoists, naked power grabs must be properly obscured by the raiment of Patriotic sounding marketing lest the King be shown to naked, flabby, weak and despicable. How dare these elitists be so … so ... so nakedly elitist!
Now we come to the autumn of our people's (widely felt) discontent. The TSA has decreed that every single airline passenger be either stripped naked by a scan with dubious levels of radiation despite the established fact that sonar devices used elsewhere are as effective and less intrusive into archives they can’t possibly store, but will nonetheless be readily provided to a federal prosecutor should there be an putatively actionable impropriety, (hat tip to Mr. Chertoff’s profiteering) or fondled by a mass of Federally authorized, just above minimum wage earners ($10.91 an hour? Seriously?), whose morals and proclivities are beyond reproach because the government - which, since they rule and don't have to actually manage a damn thing effectively and typically can’t manage breaking through a wet paper bag - says so, can grope men, women and children – admittedly as young as thirteen but proven younger than that. Remember 13, would you be cool with having your budding breast, or often embarrassing unpredictable genitals be groped? Not to worry. This is in service to the collective I mean society’s security.
Security - more truthfully the illusion of it as it has been propagated since 9/11 - is all about showmanship and has little to do with actual security but everything to do with the stripping away the freedoms we once took for granted. In reality this illusion operates as though we should be convinced that the plotters that demand America’s utter destruction and the death of our citizens aren’t listening and watching while they chuckle and devise new non metallic, body cavity insertable, scan proof devices and celebrate the "death by a thousand cuts" tactic they are employing as we spend billions of dollars on useless preventative measures.
I find my overall sensibilities place me on a more Libertarian than either liberal or conservative footing. So being a huge fan of individual liberty and a realist in that certainly we cannot, or at least should not, surrender complete freedom I suggest the following:
- Every single passenger arrive at the airport four hours before their flight (bring a picnic lunch) and present themselves for TSA review.
- That each checkpoint be manned by only stunningly attractive individuals. Keep the obviously unattractive on standby for the odd taste.
- Allow each passenger the option of which TSA operative can grope them without sexual discrimination. Hetero males would certainly not object to a firm ‘Freedom Pat’ from a hottie female and their wives could – perhaps in retaliation – select the buff, stunning male hard body that their husbands aren’t in the realm of ,"'Fair Play’ you friggin’ jerk!" Or perhaps the males would select a harsh male (against their natural choice) to prove their fidelity (and avoid the unfortunate harsh aftermath of their indiscretion) either way it takes the mind off the intrusive invasion of one’s ultimate privacy itself.
- Rather than the TSA assigning males to grab young boy’s private parts, mother’s could select a female out of an affinity for materialism and their awareness of the obvious statistic that most pedophiles are male.
Now when Al Quaeda comes up with it’s low cost, loser employed anus bomb we can be ready. Body cavity searches? See above for the sure fire marketing approach. Sonograms? Same as above but add the bonus benefit of a free sonogram available to that doctor you got to keep and we will have kept the terrorists from winning!
If only The Obamessiah had Hillary's balls to regally sell it!
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