Friday, July 30, 2010

Cui Bono?

There is nothing amazing about the flood of illegal Mexican immigration. For Mexico, the Mexican-American War did not end with their signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (February 2, 1848) nor with their signing of the Protocol of Querétaro (May 26, 1948). To bastardize von Caluswicz, 'it is the continuation of war by other means.'

THE MEXICANS: The interests of the majority of Mexican people here illegally are apparent as are the interests of the more nefarious. The first group is well represented by humanists, one worlders and the rest ... the second by conspiracy theorists, NORML and the rest of that contingent.

What is being studiously ignored is the Mexican government's policy of active encouragement of emigration to the extent they are in a panic that the status quo might change. The benefit to the Mexican government is at least two-fold. First, the least desirable, unemployable bottom layer of their society goes away. It is no longer their problem to feed, clothe, house or provide medical care to the rabble that might otherwise be aroused against the corrupt governments that permeate Mexico's political infrastructure.

The other benefit is the Billions of American dollars that flow in from the emigrants to families back home (est. $10 Billion in 2003); the drug cartels income from the export of controlled substances (est. $39 Billion USDOJ) and of course the U.S. Government's Billions spent or given to Mexico for the "drug war". For Mexico it's a win-win situation all around.

THE EMPLOYERS: Again, nothing new here on the part of the employers themselves. Lower costs equal fatter bottom line. What is a new, and curious, wrinkle is how unions such as SEIU and the AFL-CIO have taken on the role of advocate for the very people who are diluting their member’s wages and work opportunities. You have to ask, "who's paying who for what?"

THE AMERICAN POLITICIANS: As noted above their motivation is also pure greed. They sell amnesties from the law as the Catholic Church did with indulgences before Martin Luther.

THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: Opposed by the illegal immigrants, passed over by the employers and ignored by the corrupt politicians – the people need to wake up and stay in to game more than part of an election cycle to counter the abuse they are suffering and demand either a restoration of their freedoms and protections from the government and the dilution of those rights caused by the reformation that has been underway in America or, as Jefferson pointed out, dissolve the bands and start the formation of a new republic.