Thursday, May 26, 2011

Who Is The Real Despot?

At some point one has to get honest and look at the facts of history, of modern events, of the polemics presented not merely for the consumption of the 'outside' world stage and for the mass consumption and promulgation of the lazy and complicit western media for their indoctrinated idiots worldwide - but also those much sharper tirades aimed at the adherents they hold as slaves to their control as well.

Israel, a tiny democratic republic fragment on the coast of a huge despotic quasi empire that has taken the riches of their resources for a privileged few while leaving their people in abject poverty and ignorance under the veil of a grand caliphate that somehow honors their version of a god that they can use to retain their utter control of their masses with.

We don't insist on their destruction of Arabs, Palestinians, Persians, Pakistanis, Islamists of any stripe or the rest of the masses arrayed against the rest of the world. If anything, we hope for their elevation into educated and aware individuals who can see past the constructs of those that oppress and enslave them by blaming their poverty on others as they themselves live well beyond any western concept of wealth and riches and certainly beyond any concept of sharing the wealth so popular with the left.

In the meanwhile, peaceful coexistence is not in their vocabulary. Rather, they insist on the destruction of the Jews and (for now at least) the subjugation of the non-believing masses under their utopian dream of a world wide Caliphate. Intellectually compromised and blinded, indoctrinated idiots in the west will miss this a lifetime while they spout platitudes and quote studies of predetermined results performed by likewise intellectually and emotionally biased charlatans that clock themselves as "academicians".

Hopefully there are enough "undereducated" or just plain intelligent and honest informed observers and students of history to stand against the tide of bovine leavings that pass for their intellectual product as they incestuously quote each other, offering their product as food rather than the end product of it's consumption that it is.

At some point an individual needs to either stand on and for - their honor, their principles and what is morally right. Of course those with none of the above will have no such constraint and travel with the herd into the slaughter shed - mooing loudly and self contentedly all the way.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday May 1, 2011

“First, I am really thankful that our troops executed the mission without any injury. I am personally very, very happy that we have finally taken out this sick animal and sent him to his just recompense. We have cause for joy and should savor this moment.

Tonight, I headed over to the WTC site for a bit. It was still a small (for NYC) but full throated celebration with me joining in on the Pledge of Allegiance and The Star Spangled Banner. But my quiet sense of satisfaction and homage at the day’s news didn’t match up well with the exuberance of the crowd.

We have won a victory that is more the winning of a battle of undetermined value than winning the war. It is my sense of things that we must be careful against allowing our joy to transform into smugness. That was the mistake we made following the WTC attack on February 26, 1993 which helped pave the way for 9/11.

The war continues and will continue until the motivation to subjugate others by force to a global Caliphate fades away to the point of becoming a gnat on an elephant’s rump .

Come the morning we will still have work to do and battles to fight and win.”

Pakistani Treachery and Bin Laden's Demise

Pakistan's Prime Minister Gilani is almost utterly correct when he attempts to deflect the glaring fact of his country's complicity when he characterized the intelligence failure as being that of the whole world. No one knew until recently that top Pakistani active and retired military were keeping Bin Laden safe under their wing. As for his own 'plausible deniability' position that may sell in Islamabad or to the ears that wish to hear that kind of tripe. But that dog won't hunt. As for Pakistan's transparent duplicity, on this and how much more we aren't hearing about ... yet, they now stand naked before the world.

It is precisely for that reason that the United States had to take unilateral action. Informing the Pakistani authorities would have resulted in Bin Laden's hasty departure.

As for whether or not he was in fact armed at the moment he was shot it is a moot issue. Once he was told to freeze if he made any motion suggesting non-compliance it was a reasonable assumption that someone who has used suicide bombers, and airplanes would not hesitate to seek to kill the force that sought his capture. Unlike his mislead zealot adherents, Americans do not seek to die for the cause, but are culturally imbued and militarily trained to arrange for the enemies to die for theirs.

Obama's sound decisions - the burial at sea and to withhold the photographs - have presented me the unique experience of finding myself supporting his actions. The many victims worldwide of Bin Laden's bombs and airplanes were denied any kind of proper burial. Explosions, plane crashes and building collapses tend to destroy the possibility any such consideration. He was in fact given much more. He received a proper Muslim funeral with all it's considerations and ceremonies.

His burial at sea was just. As with the withholding of the photographs, it denies his supporters and disciples the shrine they undoubtedly crave just as the families of those he murdered were denied that rest to their souls.

Karma is indeed ... a bitch.